Tuesday, October 13, 2020
- 12:05:00 AM
It comes to a point where I am really tired about trying, or rather just tired about every damn thing.
I'm not sure how other people see me. But it is just me that I am willing to go out of the way to help someone if it is within my means. But somehow rather, being nice to everyone eventually was being seen as me being pretentious. Being helpful to everything I see became my weakness. Every simple things I did feels like it is being scrutinised in which I feel life has become meaningless.
Just feel like giving a loud roar to get this off my chest. In the meantime, I pray that I will be given wisdom and direction to guide me through this life journey.
Wednesday, April 10, 2019
- 12:55:00 AM
Its been really really long since I really blog. I guess this term blog really goes back to the teenage days. Life so far has been pretty okay, except about the setback of being unemployed. This period is especially hard and I am trying my best to assure myself everything is okay. Just as what I always say, All is Well.
In life, we really do not know what can happen as nothing is promised. Every second is a privilege and we should treasure every moment. In a moment's notice, things could happen and it might be a handful for us to handle.
So right now, I am listening to a medley of old songs and just had a white wine that I took during the Hamburg Airshow in April 2018. Time really flies and I really wish I can go back to the days where better decisions can be made. But well, all things happen for a reason so I guess I just have to deal with it.
Honestly, I feel something might be wrong with me, possibly on the psychological side. However, I choose to believe I am stronger than who I am.
Putting that aside, not many will understand the purpose, but as long as I am alive, I will deliver what is tasked upon me.
Saturday, May 16, 2015
- 10:38:00 AM
It has really been a very long time since this blog was updated. Many things have happened along the way and I believe that I have also grow up even more. Especially on the point on the mindset now being a 24 years old soon to be. Reading on my past post on how I actually live my life during my teens really brings back alot of the memories that I once had. It might be something positive or negative. Hence, today I am here because I am pretty lost once again. The feeling that I get now is somewhat similar to the feeling I get years ago. It just do not feel right and the emotional feel factor is on the negative side. I dislike this feeling because it somehow disturb the direction that I have. A good description is placing something magnetic best a compass. And yes it's definitely one of the two. Love or money. The answer is apparent. I am really lost. Should I go for it? Or am I thinking too much? I am still afraid of taking the step forward because of the great fall I once had. For now, maybe I should just focus on my work and let the rest fall in place soon.
Anw, had a dinner and dance event on 14 May 2015! Manage to get Yunni to be there as my date. Definitely a little awkward as we barely know each other for long. Nonetheless, the ice was broken quickly and we are able to mingle well with the rest. Thank you Yunni for dressing up and taking time off to attend this event with me. It's definitely once in a life time experience for me. I hope you enjoyed yourself and cheers! Btw, you look gorgeous on the night!
Cheers to this pretty lady, Yunni!
Sunday, June 19, 2011
- 2:13:00 PM
1. I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.
Ware said that this was the most common regret of all. It’s easy to let our dreams slip by due to circumstances or decisions that we’ve made. These choices mark the divide between living a fulfilled life or one that is full of regrets.
It’s important that we aim to achieve at least some of our dreams along the way. We often put off trying for our dreams due to a myriad of reasons. Before we know it, we would have lost our health and therefore, our chance to attain them.
If your dream is to start a business, get to it. If it’s to learn how to dance or try skydiving, book a class. If you want to make music, pick up a guitar.
Don’t put it off any longer.
2. I wish I didn’t work so hard.
In between having ends meet and aiming for a luxurious lifestyle, it’s easy to see why we get caught up with our work.
Ware said that this was a common regret of male patients who didn’t manage to spend enough time with their family.
It’s easy to get caught up in the rat race, but remember to set aside some time for the important things in life. Most importantly, you will have to understand why you do what you do. Is it for your own personal achievement, for family, or for a higher calling?
3. I wish I’d had the courage to express my feelings.
Hands up anyone who has suppressed their feelings in order to avoid potential embarrassment or argument.
Avoiding arguments is good for a harmonious life, but the problem comes when we take it too far. When we blindly follow the opinions of someone more assertive just to avoid arguments, we’re shortchanging ourselves.
While it’s understandable that we use Twitter and blogging to rant about things we are unhappy with, do remember that talking about it face-to-face is always a more sincere option.
So if an issue is major enough, try approaching the person for an honest and frank chat. We’re not saying that the talk will be smooth sailing, but your relationships will emerge stronger and healthier.
4. I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends.
It’s easy to lose touch with good friends. A busy lifestyle can take away time from the ones you love. This is where technology comes in.
With services like Facebook, WhatsApp and Yahoo! Messenger, it’s easy to keep tabs on old friends. Talking to friends is so effortless today that we have no reason to let staying in touch with friends take a backseat.
At the end of the day though, nothing beats chatting over a cup of coffee. So always remember to occasionally take things offline and catch up with your friends the old fashioned way.
5. I wish that I had let myself be happier.
‘Many don't realize until the end that happiness is a choice’, said Ware in her blog post.
This is very true. Happiness is something that we choose for ourselves. Many get upset over the circumstances in their lives. What they do not realize is that they can choose to face difficulties with a smile.
Take a moment and enjoy life. If difficulties come your way, remember that pain is inevitable but wallowing in misery is always optional.
Choose to be happy.
adapted from:
Sunday, June 12, 2011
- 3:31:00 PM
there's so many things going through my mind. sometimes even though we know that some stuff will not work out but we just wanna go ahead and try it and give it our best shot. and when we try, we failed. should this really be the way? or should we just admit to fate that it should be this way and retreat all the way without even trying? there's this kinda mixed feeling inside. i wanna give it a try again but looking at all the factors, i know deep inside, it wont work. knowing it wont work but why am i still doing so many things? i dunno. i just know that i wanna do it so that you will be happier and i can hopefully bring away some sadness in your life. that's all i know. should i or should i not?
Friday, June 3, 2011
- 12:51:00 PM
so many things yet so little time.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
- 12:59:00 AM

All the tough times are finally gone. We are entering into the last day of our Tiger Training. 1 and a half month of intensive training, we did it. I still remember during day 1, I asked myself 'how am I going to make it through the whole of this training?' and well, here I am completing the training! The best is that all the 20 of us made it through! Its been quite a fun and enriching training I would say. I have learnt a lot of stuff that normal people will not get a chance to do it! Some example would be like 'jumping' off an aircraft, don the smokehood, fire fighting, jumping slide raft, first aid and many many more! Hahahaaha. and of course the funny moment we had during the training where Nicholas will also be the one that always kena and Joe will also 'tekan' him! :D Though this is the ending of the training, but it also mean it is the beginning of our flight and what we had learnt in our training! However, all this will not be possible without the effort of the trainers!! Annie, Joe, Marine, Katherine, Shariffah, Ping Pingg, Manne, Ariff and Murali! THANK YOU FOR YOUR PATIENCE AND EFFORT!! :D Lastly, hope everything and everybody will have smooth sailing flight and get distinction for our MP! Batch 36th Tiger! All the way! :)
I'll miss you.