Wednesday, October 31, 2007
- 10:53:00 PM morning, work up around 7am..den get change to PE attire..coz later going for the diving medical jayson around 7.30am..wait for him at the 161 bus stop opposite compasspoint..i reached there first, so waited for him..hope that he will reach here before 161 come.coz if missed the bus, we will be late..den the bus come!! but he was still not there den i was like..come on..come on..quick..den suddenly someone called me from behind! it was jayson man!! yeah..he made we board it..went to woodland den after that take taxi to sembawang camp..we were a bit early..=) saw the NCC guys there..and had some chat..den got one ACS one..he was like damn chatty and abit siao i think..everything is based on blah blah one..wa..cannot tahan him..den change for our pass and went to the naval diving medical centre..when we went in, we saw alot of soldier in there..they was like staring at us making us feel like melting man..they must be thinking..why and who are this bunch of kids here? haha..den we went to the second floor and seated down..filled in the form and waited over there..first was the X-ray..haha..jayson went in first..den after was mine turn..went in, take off my clothes and lean on a board and after few seconds, haha..done..haha..den when i come out..the rest ask me pain..? haha..i say..wa..damn pain man..haha..den all like scared scared like that..den when they went in and come out all was like is the blood test..den i'm the lucky number one coz they sabo me seated down and wait to be inject..haha.the one who inject me has little expericence..and i am his SECOND try!! wa kao man..he tied a gloves to my arm and after that..slap my skin and my nerve comes he just inject it in..haha..i dare not look man..den i was still laughing man!! den after that..i turn and look..he was like, is this blood enough? need draw more? i think i'm laughing all the way man! den when i laugh..i move the needle so it's a bit pain..haha..den after that..pluck out the needle and went to the height and height is 1.7m, 63kg..haha..den after that went to the fats taking station...hold this equipment..and my total body fats was 1/5 of my body is fats..haha..that was counted normal..hehe..den went to the lung section..blow dunno what thing, check my lung condition..haha..not bad..i passed..=) den is blood pressure measurement and followed by a ear test..after that..went for eye sight test..and colour preception test..haha..i passed all..den after that..went for the stress ecg..dunno what that.went in, take off shirt, and they paste many sticker on it..den after that call me lie down and call me to relax..after a while..done..haha..that's was fast..den after that..went for the audio thingy one..haha..test my ear fequency..i think mine is not bad..almost all that he played..i can heard even if it is very soft..haha..den after that..went back to the place where we seat just i the doctor consultation..den we are all waiting..4 went in b4 me..and they came out saying they failed at the left ear..coz when they do valsava, their left ear did not vibrate..den a bit scare i will also like that..den my turn go asked me some question and check my the valsava and i passed my both ear man!! yeah!! haha..den for those who did not pass will have to come back tmr for another check up..den only 7 out of 11 or us passed today medical checkup..i and jayson all passed..haha..den after went for lunch at the nearby canteen den after went into the NDU camp for the 10m habaric change to all cotton attire and all 7 of us went into a small chamber..den every one was fine and we start 'diving' ..haha..when we start going was quite hot and we need to do the valsava inorder to clear our ears pressure..we continue doing it untill we reach a dept of 10m and we stop..den after that..we went back to surface..there was like popping sound when we went up..den after a while, we are back to went out of the chamber..the chamber did not really dive, just that..they are pumping in pressure to a dept of 10m..if you got problem, that means you failed..after that..change back our clothing..and they issue us a hot bath, alcohol, streunous exercise and no flight within the next 24hours..den some of them was like..huh..cannot hot nath ar..? den i was like..please den no guy or what..den they was asking question what will happened if they do this..den theis staff sergeant came and say..if your wan to do, do it at your own risk..dun ask so much..haha..den i'm damn shiok man..they like gay sia..haha.=)) den after that had some conversation with the staff..haha..told us alot of thing..haha..den after that went today medical check up i passed !!!! and i'm one step away from my dream!! haha..that's all folk! bye!
Friday, October 26, 2007
- 2:29:00 PM
mini-group SHOT..BANG~

this is the 'future' of human if WE continue to be what we are now..
we may be rich..but without these natural resources, WE, HUMAN, have NOTHING..
and one day..we will all suffer and will have to burn MONEY for WARMTH!
conserve the environment now.. reduce, reuse and recycle..
everyone plays a part..a little from everyone..will be off alot of help and slow down the usage of the resource..only then, we MAY be still alive..

here are the pics i took during my class outing to the singapore zoological garden..enjoy!
we must protect the animals now..if not..
Thursday, October 25, 2007
- 12:02:00 AM
today morning went to rp to meet ziyang they all..went there by jayson's after that..had two burgers..den went to ziyang's house to make sushi for tmr zoo outing..after that..get the ingredients salmon, hot dogs, crab meat, avocado, eggs and we started to make our sushi..haha..had lots of fun when doing..i'm the worst i think..haha..den after that when they go cook the rice again..ying hong, jessica and i decided to put something into the sushi..haha..wasabi..haha..we put the wasabi ramdomly..haha..we squeeze quite alot..den for tmr, who sway one will get the chance to try it..=) haha..den in all we made 7 box man..wa..scary..after that..went home and went for tuition at 8..that's all man..take care..
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
- 11:52:00 PM
hellos!!! today is the selection for the divers!!!! damn excited!! jayson, eric and zheng da at compasspoint 7-eleven at 6am..den have some light breakfast and off we go to kovan and meet our sir..haha..when there by train..den after meeting him..we went to take bus 45 to ternah merah mrt there adn den board a bus shutter to CNB swimming pool there..den saw some damn fit fit ppl over there..den a bit demoralise..haha..den at the start..when passing our napfa result to the the sir there..he say zheng da cant take part..coz napfa got he cant take part..sian man..saw the name list, got 40 over ppl..den abit scared..but in the end only 17 came..including us..we were seated at the audience steps den all was like very fierce and diam diam one except us..we was laughing and joking away man..only us was smiling and laughing..lols..den i started to ask around..wa seh man..all the swimming level was like life savour, silver, bronze..den all very pro one..for me i only intermediate..lols..damn beginner..den started to have some nervours in me liao..haha..den when the sir call us change to swimming attire..we all just strip there coz we have our trunks wear inside already..haha..den when the rest came back..kao man..damn shock!!! all damn fit..!!! wa kau man..damn stress liao..haha..after some warm up with the PTI..haha..some very sia lan.but they are quite good after you know them..hahaone of them is...haha..cant tell your the personnel..=) after warm up is our first test..200m swim with 6mins..haha..den i and eric is in the detail after detail 1 went off we went..eric got eliminated coz he at the start cough and choke some water in..coz he is sick and not in his best..i swim on and came back with a result of i passed..same goes to jayson! yeah man..den for some fit fit one and swimming level damn high one hor..they did not make it man..wa..den i tell myself..never judge someone by it appearance..lols..den after that..take a 5 mins rest and went off to the 25m underwater dive..haha..i was damn scared i cant do it man..when i go down..i swim about half the pool and i wanted to come out but i told myself to endure on and miracle happened man!! i did it..I DID IT!!!!but i did breathe in some WATER!! wa..den when i come nose was like burning hot!! haha..den after that..went to rest again..den we went off to the 5m tower jump!!! YES!!! time to have fun man!! i love it man..the pool was 10m deep man..kao..haha..den we seated down and see the demo..after's our only left with 9 ppl who make it..den got one very funny..the life savour one when he go up..he was like wan, dun wan like that..den we was like cheering for him and he jumped..but he failed man..coz he squad down b4 he jump..lols..den soon reach my turn..haha..coz b4 me is a girl so b4 i climb up..the PTI tell dun lose to a girl man..den i say..haha..i wont man..haha..den i get myself to the edge of the ledge and when the PTI below say go...den i can jump..haha..den when he i jump! haha..damn shiok jumping off floor!!! when i jump, the feel when jump was like damn long before i get in to the water man..haha.. damn fun but a bit scary..the pool look like this..i roughly stretch out..lols..

haha..den we disiao the pti over him jump the 10m one..haha..den he scold us siao and we had alot of fun man..haha..den after that..for those who failed and wanna retake they went and retake..haha..den for the few who passed..just habg around the pool..haha..den i and jayson chat with the pti over there..haha..they also very funny guy man..haha..den after that..went off and bathe and debrief..haha..den after that..a sir gave us a lift to kovan coz his house near there..haha..had lunch at KFC den after that go school awhile and pass jessica the money for zoo and went home..haha..was supposed to rest and sleep but sis ask me wanna go her friends chalet and go there i just agreed and off we went to aloha resort at pasir ris!! haha..a tiring but fun filled day!! PTI-physical training instructor
Sunday, October 21, 2007
- 11:29:00 PM
today..early morning go sembawang beach to pluck some kind of herb with family and relative..den after plucking..we saw some crab and we catch it with the net lying nearby..the crans are all mating..but we just catch in total..we caught 6 crabs..den after that went, bathe and den come out yong zheng den meet anthony they all at kovan the pool there..didnt intend to play coz some sort like sad..but in the end..i played a game..but what i do is just using the cue and zua at the ball..just venting all unhappiness out on the cue and balls..there's alot of ball fly out from the table..den one hit to jayson there..quite enjoyable.den got one ball..due to over shoot up to head level..but never fall out of the table..den every one was laughing..after playing pool..go play arcade at level one..den after that..take taxi to yong zheng house..take his swimming things and off we go for our swimming session.with jayson, yong zheng and i'm training for my 25m underwater dive..i failed alot of time..everytime no air..den need to surface..but i keep pushing myself to the max..and..i did succeed 4-5 times..2 at medium pool and 2-3 at deep pool..finally I DID IT!!! this prove that..nothing in this world is impossible..i've made my impossible possible..have faith in yourself..but in this session..i think i had injured my right leg..jia lak man..den walking got some problems liao..hope will recover soon..coz the divers selection is less den 30 hours..that's all..bye
Friday, October 19, 2007
- 9:48:00 PM
today morning..go jogging with nadia at pasir ris at around 9.30am..wanna find more ppl..but almost all not free..some go work..some go just go there jog coz feeling down..den go there force all unhappiness out..but i didn't really help much..still trap inside..ran for awhile..den fun feel like running find a bench and sit down..and we started to chat..everything..feel abit better but after a good again..sibei sian man..den after that..go eat..send nadia go home and off i went home..take 109 back..that's all..
Monday, October 15, 2007
- 12:04:00 AM
brought a rubik cube..gonna learn how to solve it..and today is the 14th fast..8 months had pass by and it's still the same..time and tides waits for no man..chance is all that i need..that's all folks..take care!
Sunday, October 14, 2007
- 12:13:00 AM
'You're Beautiful'
the story of he and she..
falling in love at first sight..
My life is brilliant.
My life is brilliant.
My love is pure.
I saw an angel.
Of that I'm sure.
She smiled at me on the subway.
She was with another man.
But I won't lose no sleep on that,
'Cause I've got a plan.
You're beautiful.
You're beautiful.
You're beautiful, it's true.
I saw your face in a crowded place,
And I don't know what to do,
'Cause I'll never be with you.
Yeah, she caught my eye,
As we walked on by.
She could see from my face that I was,
Fucking high,
And I don't think that I'll see her again,
But we shared a moment that will last till the end.
You're beautiful.
You're beautiful.
You're beautiful, it's true.
I saw your face in a crowded place,
And I don't know what to do,
'Cause I'll never be with you.
You're beautiful.
You're beautiful.
You're beautiful, it's true.
There must be an angel with a smile on her face,
When she thought up that I should be with you.
But it's time to face the truth,
I will never be with you.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
- 11:50:00 PM
today early early morning..i cant sleep..just lie on bed and daydream..suddenly in the silent nigh, loneliness and sadness strikes me..dunno why..but i think it's that problem again.den morning followed sister to beside ceni leisure(dunno how to spell) to the what market..where you can set up your own stall and sell your own things..quit alot of ppl...den help my sis to tend the stall..damn boring..almost all is ladies stuff..from 12 to 7pm i'm sitting there doing nothing..wanted to msg ppl to kill the boredness..but got no one..working one at work..studying one studying..sleeping one still sleeping..very bored, to know my sis friend's boyfriend..he looks like a ah beng, with tatoos, dyed hair..but he is not..he is totally different from what his appearance presence him..he is a funny, caring, kind life we really cannot judge someone by it's appearance..we got to see the full picture b4 making any conclusion..den around 7 plus packed up and went tv and slack..after that..a msg heart went back to soft again..haix..sibei sian..if now i got a cup of 'wang qin shui' i will definately drink it and forget all the sorrow and lead a brand new life..i gonna be strong and get through this bloody obstacle..that's all man..take care..for those taking exams, all the best...for those working, may all things go smoothly..for those sleeping, sweet dreams man..
gonna be this strong..
lifting a giantic metal ball
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
- 12:07:00 AM
today went to CP to study with jayson, jess, shir and tyng around 11 plus..den go library study a while den go yoshinoya study awhile den when come out saw yong zheng and anthony..den together we go kopitiam eat..haha..didnt study much..just go there talk cock sing song play majiong..den after that..went to outside 7-eleven there and slack..jayson went to interchange to send qian hui home..after that he called me..saying that 'she' is in bus 156..upon hearing that..i just throw my bag, leaving it with anthony they all..and dash all the way to the busstop outside..lucky the bus still there..was thinking whether to board the the end..i board it..saw her with another girl seated i just went to the back and take a seat..saw qian hui..den when the girl alighted..i change my seat and sit with her..glad that i can see her..have some tiny small conversation with her..den very soon..reached her bus stop..den alight..send her to her house there..den see her take lift go up and off i i doing the right thing? or am i stupid? for everything i do, she just doesn't seems to be touch or move..i'm really lost for word and friends ask me to stop..but i tell myself that i must not..but now..i on the verge of giving up..and i cant hold on anymore..i msg her with the 3 words in..later she reply..'bla bla bla bla..leave me alone'..i stop msging this is what i recieved after doing so it fair? i'm just like a dumb idiot..but..what can i do? love is selfish and cannot be force..what need to go, has to go..and i know that i will soon let it go..after that..go back compass take bag and went home and sleep..