Friday, December 21, 2007
- 1:12:00 AM
hey are some pics for the diving enjoy man!!
MSG Gary and MSG(ncc) Goh..muahaha..
my favourite/worst instructor..=)
nice facial expression i have..=)
Adrian(1), me, Adrian(2)
our nannies for the whole course..
coming up to 4m? not me..haha
that's ME being attack by Staff Koh when doing the pool com stage 2..
he grab my mouth piece off when i blow out man!! out of AIR!!
going to put back on my mask or your so called goggles..
that's my cabin mate..he is doing the 4 point check..
this is my pool com partner..priscilla..
the only girl that passed out for this year course.
and she is ready for check
after 2 weeks...finally passed out!
and the badge is finally mine..=)
it's the 20th again..5 months already..and i am still hopping for miracles to happened..
- 1:10:00 AM
18 dec,
wake up around 9 plus..den change to school uniform and went to school..haha..TODAY IS THE DAY TO TAKE OUR N LEVELS RESULT!!!! muahahahaha..went for ncc training first..den after that..went to cp with anthony and tyng woei to cp and meet shir and jess..went for lunch at kopitiam..den after that da bao for lionel, simon, chee boon and wen jun..den went back school..after that..went to hall and waited for further instruction..den after that..heard some teacher say some of our result did very well..haha..den one big news man! rafiqah top in SINGAPORE for malay in N LEVELS and she is also the top student in our school..haha..den after that went in to hall..damn anxious man! haha..den have some presentation..the top 6 are..rafiqah, beena, chiew hui, benjamin, wei lian and si ni..haha..congrats to them and well done!!! haha..den after was our turn to take result..haha..den anxious..den it's my turn..den go take..haha..sign the class list den take my result..go to my friends there and open my result slip!!! i got 4 points!!!!! wahahahaha..damn happy english passed!!!
i got grade 4 for english,
grade 3 for science(phy/chem) and chinese,
grade 2 for humans
grade 1 for math and DNT..
20 dec,
today..wake up quite late..den meet shir, jess, ziyang, anthony and johnathan for ziyang and anthony went to mos burger for a bite..den after that..jess came and followed by johnathan..den take mrt to serangoon..and meet shir on train..den after that..went to vivo city..go walk walk a while den go to buy ticket..haha..shock a lot of pple there..den just queue and waited for our turn..around 20's our we go ask the counter guy what time and which seat available..all very front..but in the end we decided to watch the national treasurer at 7.20pm..haha..first 3 row on the during that free time..we shop around vivo..den after that..near 7 plus..we went and brought some snacks and drink from 7-eleven..and 7.20 went in..the movie starts around 7.30 plus plus..den watch that movie..was quite nice and funny..haha..den after that..went to sia yin..and had supper..haha..den after that..take train and went home..=)

Thursday, December 13, 2007
- 9:11:00 PM
today..wake up around 10 plus..den morning call jayson..after that..around 11..he came to my house and we waited for my neighbour uncle to be ready and around 11.30am..we went off..first go fetch his sister den go have breakfast..the meals was very's bah chor mee..delicious man..haha..den after that..went to his handphone shop..den go look for a standby phone..coz my w550i going to die better change one first..haha..den change to it alot..haha..den after that..went to buy the tickets for the starts at went to the paradiz centre to play ther also waited for khet wee to come..den after that he also play awhile and off we went tot the grand cathay to waatch our THE WARLORDS! haha..went in just nice den start watching..wa..damn exciting alot of battle sence..den suddenly got this man sitting next next to me..say to me..aye..can you shut up..wa..his attitude pissed me off man..den i say is not me who talk..den he say back..can you just shut the fuck up? wa kau man..i damn pissed liao..den i like sit up a bit in a much more aggressive manner and say..excuse me..! you better watch your language..den his girlfriend him to stop..haha..he like girl petty..dun give him a damn..den we continue watching..haha..den after that..that idiot keep like staring at us..but we hack care him..lols..den around 6.20pm the show ended..haha..den that guy scared first and went off first..haha..den after that..took train and went home..haha..that's all for today! take care! SMILE=]
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
- 3:32:00 PM
hi..people.long time never blog liao..below is what i go through during the 2 weeks scuba diving camp..=)
19 nov
wake up 5.30am..change to no.4 and get everythings ready..den take 161 to woodlands den change mrt to sembawang and take 856 to sembawang camp...went into ndu and go through all the admin stuff..den after that..change to PT rig..den go for lecture..sian..diving physic..i almost fall asleep..after lesson, went for lunch..den after the medical part..i fall asleep..den my partner wake me up..after revision..den followed by admin stuff again..den had dinner..
20 nov
first thing in the pull up..den go have breakfast..after that change to wet suit, booties and turtle back for 10 laps..ankle was like breaking off..den do some stretching..and went on to do the sea circuit rope climb..first time..cant get up the rope..somemore with the fin..damn difficult..den second try..did it..have more confidence in myself liao..after that..did the E buddy breathing..E surfacing and buddy companion(10m)..
21 nov
first dive..take out cylinder..put along the pool..and went for the orientation dive..only 1m..the instructors teaches us many to clear our mask underwater when there is fog..the hand signal...and get ourselves adapt to underwater by breathing in and out through our mouth only..den after that..stay in underwater for 10 to 15 mins..den start swimming circles woth cylinders..after that..went for lunch..came back to dive pool and dive at's orientation dive again..after that..break surface and went for the in-water proficency with 2 weight and trap water for 5 mins..this is the tough part..i and my buddy went in first..endure for 5 mins and heard this, "INFLATE YOUR BC!!" damn quickly inflate my i have pass the 2 weights..den when come out of the pool..i cant even walk! den at the edge of the pool massaging my legs..den i slowly drag myself to the centre and do stretching..we still got 4, 6 weights and cylinder to go..wa..after that..went for diving physic test..i failed man..den got to go for the retest tmr..
22 nov
first thing in the morning..did the 4 weights in water proficency..this time worst..when i get out of the pool..i cant even move..everything part of my legs are like..numb..den do some stretching..den went to have the test for E drills..after that..surface up and continue the 6 weight...i did 3 times..first 2 times i got leg cramp..den the third time..i did it..after that..the sir ask to to change to only PT rig and mask..he called me to do bobbing..bobbing need to tie and and tie leg..let yourself sink and go to the bottom of the pool and kick yourself i went down..blow out bubbles..but in the end.i never sink..i float up..haha..coz i am positive..haha..only negative ppl will sink..den the sir say..look like i choose the wrong ppl..haha..after that..went for my retest..and medical test...for the diving physic i passed..but for the medical i failed..=)
23 nov
morning did the cylinder in water to carry cylinder(20kg) and trap water for 1 mins..the 1 mins is enough to kill you..haha..i passed and after that..did marked diving..hand holding on to a rope connected to the float above..and dive untill the instructors ask us to come out..afte that..did ditch and don and pool com 1/2..ditch and don is to ditch your equipment underwater and wear it back underwater..pool com stage 1 is stationary..a agressor will attack you and take away your mouth piece with you knowing..and lossen your shoulder.waist stripe..stage 2 is agressor will suddenly attack when you are diving got to be alert and hold breath when he attack you..after that..had our dinner and we book out!! wahahaha..finally can go home liao..
25 nov
book into camp at 2000hrs
26 nov
went to have some diving revision..and sea curcuit..nothing is a half day coz chief of navy coming down to ndu..
27 nov
did sea circuit in the sea in the to turtle back around 50m to the rope, den climb up the rope and run to the tower and do the tower jump around 5m den turtle back around 150m to the shore, run to the atart point and continue the circuit..did 3 rounds in timing was running 5km like that..was damn tired..after that..did afternoon jackstay dive..was very excited but when we go for the second time..haha..not excited already..coz below got nothing to see except plastic bags and glass bottles..haha..den did the night dive..haha..our first night sucks man..the visibility was 0m pitch dark below and total cant even see your hand when it's place infront of your mask..
28 nov
did jackstay dive again..nothing much today..when for medical test and i passed..=)
29 nov
training starts at 2pm..coz other unit got operation so we cant use the sea untill 2 plus..did afternoon searches and night searches...the mud was damn can go to the dept of your arm when you dig man..
30 nov
did our reharsal for our passing our ceremony from morning to noon..haha..i did pool com stage 2..finally after so much things..i passed out! hehe.=) after out of camp and went home..
2 dec
went back to camp at 2100hrs..
3 dec
the day i have been waiting for..muahahahahaha..our passing out ceremony..did all our performance and went for the ceremony and photo taking..=) in total..11 went in..7 had passed out..4 is NCC and 3 is medic..haha..
in life,
always have a positive is your mind over your body..
tell yourself you CAN do it, and you WILL do it!!!
SUCK IT UP *means endure!!! WOOSH!!
the only EASY DAY, was YESTERDAY!
now the divers badge is mine!