Thursday, January 31, 2008
- 8:50:00 PM
today..haha..a very fun day..first had english compre..den mrs tan keep finding homework for us..haha..den today ONG never stand up for lesson..omg..haha.coz he always speak chinese in mrs tan class..haha..den after that..went for math lesson..haha..damn fun again..get back loci test..damn 12/15..haha..den after that..saw shiekh sleep like a zombie man..he sleep with his eyes half shut..lols..den can only see the white ball..haha..den after that is GG..lols..quite fun..dunno do what liao..haha..den after that went for recess..and went for chinese lesson! it's CHINESE LESSON!!! haha..damn funny lesson..lols..we will always play a beat and bang and clap..haha..till the teacher say..are your too stress? haha! den we disiao the teacher..lols..she is a good teacher man..=) i salute you..lols..den after that..went back to serious business..STUDY!! muahahaha..den after that was physic den followed by chem..haha..understand more now on the topic..hehe..den after that..went down for a break and went back for human ASP!! haha.the most funny and enjoyable asp ever man! got MR LEE and MISS ANG..haha! den mr lee teach us..haha..den when we dun understand that time..he will GIVE EXAMPLE AND EXPLAIN TO US AND AT THE SAME TIME HINT MISS ANG one..haha..den i keep disiaoing miss ang...haha..she really blushing like a tomato man..lols..den i also kajiao mr lee..lols..damn fun! both of them are so funny..lols..i hope that they will be together real soon..=) coz being together with your loves one..HAPPINESS is what you will feel and the only word to describe..den i went off first coz i finished the 2 question and get it somehow right..haha..=) the most funny asp of the year man! den after that went to find johnathan in the hall..teach him some math and watched the rehearsal for CNY celebration..haha..den after that..went to back stage and play!!! wahahahah..keep entertaining the back stage ppl and performer..haha..den when the dancer came in..haha..johnathan and i go kajia them..lols..we are like the joking machine..haha..den got one dancer always use the fan hit me..haha..such a fun day man! i wish everyday will be like today..had lots of fun and no loneliness..however this day are numbered man..last year liao..=( so got to enjoy more! haha..i still believe..that day will come..and i know it is worth it..coz it is true love. thats all folks! take care and smile always! sincerity prove everythings
Sunday, January 27, 2008
- 11:12:00 AM
Disappointed is the word to describ my got the shot right in the heart. the Pain is there.
Friday, January 25, 2008
- 10:03:00 PM
finally got time to blog..haha..damn tired these few alot of homework..especially dnt..sian man.still got to do walk to school den after that went to hall for assembly..haha.den saw mrs yoga..and..she catch my hair!!! haha..she hair looks like bart simpson..coz on top is like standing..haha..den i tell her i sunday going to cut..haha..infact..i am just going to comb down my hair..haha..den after that was talk on how to write a resume..den after that..had math lesson..haha..had loci test..quite okay la..but i got one question i think gone man..haha..mine got mistake in it..den whole question might be wrong..haha..the problem is that the paper only got 2 maybe a just pass for it..haha..den after that is gg..had presentation..haha.miss ang say good and copied my presentation to the desktop..haha..den after that was english..haha.had a fruitful lesson..haha..den after that..we went for recess..hehe..MRS TAN FORGOT TO RETURN BACK US THE JOURNAL! YEAH..NO JOURNAL FOR THE WEEK..MUAHAHAHA..we all know but never tell her...hehe..den had recesss..had fishball noodles..haha..uncle now give 5 fishballs man..! that's alot..haha..den after that was LCE..haha..dunno talk about career all these..den i say..i wanna become a chef..den eric was like..wa..haha.shock..lols..i have 3 course that i'm interested..marine engineering, hospitality(chef), and any engineering course..haha.den after that.went to play red alert2 again.this time is 1 vs 7..haha..all computer lose to me..hehe=x den after that was the sec 1s come..haha! den simon keep reminding me not to pump all these...haha..coz normally if i take for the first training..the next training no one will come liao..hehe..haha..coz too tough..lols..first had ice breaker..den followed by the human chain in the field..haha..after that..go disiao yi de..hehe..make him do this..mrs ang sure like him alot anad make him the role model of the guys man! haha..

den after that is teaching the fall in, squeeze, spread..haha..den had slight pt..4 rounds around the school..i was dying already.haha.die..den after was parade..den after that..go to palsa malam with simon, jp, lionel, chee boon, wen jun and anthony..haha..den after that..went was quite a long day..haha..
to you.=]loving you is not a waste of time, but it is a kind of happiness..the feeling which cannot be expressed by words..=]chan rak khoon..("v")
my table decoration..haha..nice man!
Saturday, January 19, 2008
- 10:14:00 PM
today..woke up around 11.30 plus..den have zai mifen as lunch..den bathe le den go watch tv..after that..tired again..went to sleep..den wake up around 3.45pm..den get all the stuff ready tuition den off i went for my tuition..started at 4 till 6 plus..den after that.went home..and went to da bao dinner for family..den do dnt..haha..damn sian man..still got alot of homework haven do..haha..die liao..that's all for today..=) take care man!
Friday, January 18, 2008
- 11:14:00 PM
today..first lesson was compo..1st draft..still got 8 more..sian..haha..den after that had math followed by gg..den recess..had fishball big bowl one have 3 fishballs..haha..den after that was LCE..went to com lab and use com to find career..den i go online..haha..disiao those online that i got suspended..lols..den after that had ncc some pumping den afte that..had personal pt with ashnee..haha..den after that played basketball den the ball hit me and the spec hit my eye..haha..pain..but still ok..haha..den later jog around the whole up run down from block to block..den after that..become a competition..haha..simon, tyng woei, kenneth and simon also join in..lols..
the route for the competition was..
run and go up 3rd floor from the spiral stairs near GO...
den run to G block..
come down to 1st floor..
run up to F block climb up to 3rd floor...
den run to E block..
den come back down to 1st floor ...
return to the starting point at the fire point in the top right coner of our parade square..haha..current record is 1.24mins by kenneth..haha..den mine was 1.31mins..haha..slower by 6 seconds..sian..haha..den after that..did parade..haha..after that..uncle wong gave us some kuek left from the meeting..haha..den we finished all..lols..after that..went to play red alert and after that..went home..haha..home sweet home..lols..=) that's all..take care man! SMILE
took this from NCC room..haha

Thursday, January 17, 2008
- 8:47:00 PM
today..was a short day..coz going to ngee ann poly..haha..morning wake up just nice..den went out around 7+..went to econ and find anthony..haha..miss his attitude man.! lols..den after that..had english lesson..sian..mrs tan say we have to do around 3 models and each model must have at least 3 draft..sian..that means 9 compo we need to complete..sian..sec 5! sian! den still got situational writing...another total 18 ++ to be done..die man..haha..den have math..quite fun la..haha..coz got the joker teacher miss tan..haha..was learnign loci..haha..nice topic..haha..after that was discuss about passed year paper..den is recess..haha..after that. is chinese..did some exercise den very fast is physic learning new chapter..waves i think..haha..i think i'm better in it after lot of practice..all thanks to mr cheong! thanks man..den after that..was dismissed for the poly trip..den took the school bus to climenti there..during the journey..had a short rest..damn tired man..reached there have a brief introduction and headed to collect the goodie bag..haha..and the donut factory donut.haha..just nice filled my stomach..lols..after that.took the shutter bus to the health science school and tour..i think we tour almost the whole of health science school..haha..was quite fun actually..learn alot of new things and saw roughly how a hospital works..haha..first went to the scrub..went to wask habd actually..haha..didn't know our hand was so 'clean'.haha..den later to the ICU section..where the dummy cost 70k and the whole equipment cost 3millions..haha.scary amount..den learn how to save a patient..haha.that room have a smell like in a zoo man..haha..den after that went to see all the new born babies unit..teaches the kind of care a baby recieved when born..den went to see the operation unit..where operation take place and the procedure..haha..damn scary man..all the equipment damn scary..den iyang dress like a doctor..haha..haha..den after that..went to the injection one..haha..i took my glucose test there..the nurse use a thing and inject to my finger..haha..but i just cant go throught..untill the 3rd tries..haha..i think skin right..haha..lucky my glucose level is 5.3..counted the range of normal was 4 to i no need to worry..den followed by some of my friend went for the test..haha..some very scared..den i scare them say very pain..lols..haha..infact that injection got no feeling one..haha..after that..went to see the giving birth one..was the last section..wa..scary i really know the wei da of our mother..they have to gone through so many pain before bring us to the world..! they are so wei da man! den learn all sorts of way of taking care of a baby..haha..den after that went to the cca there..haha..ben, ziyang and me went to play the archery..wahahaha..damn fun..ZIYANG GOT 2 BULLSEYE!!! kau man..den the archer there was damn shock man..haha..den was like asking ziyang to come ngee ann and join archery..haha..den after took 74e to hougang den 27 back home..haha..below are some pics..enjoy! and my beautiful class table..haha..=))
ziyang show time..haha..
my turn to expression looks serious man..haha

benjamin shooting..=)

injection in a dummy shoulder..the needle go all the way in coz it's IM injection..haha..

injection in a dummy shoulder..the needle go all the way in coz it's IM injection..haha..

the glucose check..

our body..

at the entrance welcoming us..haha..this is a male..lols!!

ziyang dressing up..

our future CVSS doctor..haha

Tuesday, January 15, 2008
- 9:08:00 PM
today morning..went to school quite late..haha..den saw they all again..lols..happy again..haha..den had dnt lesson..lols..den mr lee brief us about our folio den off we go for our photo taking session..haha..first..went to opposite school there..den to sculpture..haha..take alot of pics there..haha..but too bad.cant upload here coz it needed for our folio.=) den after that.go compass and take photo..but was stop by the security guard there..coz they say, we cannot take photo in compasspoint..the whole compasspoint only have us and some workers only..haha.den we were like idiot like that..keep taking photo enerywhere..haha..den after that secretly went to buy something to eat..haha.was like playing hid and seek with teacher..but later..we caught mr ng eating mcdonal..haha..can have breakfast have breakfast at mc..haha..after that went back to school around 11 and slack during recess.haha..after that have ss..den miss ang say have debate..lols..i kena selected also..den i dunno what i talking man..anyhow talk cock one.lols..den after school released..went to play red alert addicted to it liao..
Monday, January 14, 2008
- 11:12:00 PM
today is the 14th months had passed but i really still..hope you will understand..went to school around 8+ den saw they brighten my day..haha..first lesson was to decorate our table..coz never bring chit chat with friends..haha..den after that is recesss..after that had 4 hours of lesson den school release..muahahaha..damn happy.go north star zone and play RA2! muahahaha..not that RA.but is red favourite game although it wass quote an onld game..haha..den had a very long game..haha.i build a air base..haha..den in the end.i won the war..hehe.=) this is my air base.haha..scary man..lols..

den after that went to ncc room and rest for a while..haha.but then yongzheng started throwing pillows around and it hit me..! haha..den we started pillow war! lols..throwing pillows and smacking one another..haha..den after that..cook in ncc room! we had sardine feast! muahahaha..damn nice.we finished the 2 can!.haha. we cook using brick, some liquid fuel..and that's all..haha..=)den after that went home and had dinner..i created my creative dinner..haha..looks like ultraman..lols.