Tuesday, June 30, 2009
- 9:13:00 PM
yesterday school ended early, so went to century square with class to watch movie. haha. there is lot of us who went but only me and sherwin watched together. haha. we watch transformer revenge of the fallen. haha. 2 guys watching, kinda gay man. lol. the movie was 2.5hrs long man. so by the time we reached home, its 7.15pm already. hoho. den watch likeable or not. haha. the channel U korean show at 7pm one. i hope that baihu and danfeng can be together. haha. they look so compatible. hehe. anw..today end school early also..den come home straight. play com a while den go down jog! haha! long time no jog already. and i think i may have to quit dragon boat. main reason is my parents and also my studies. but i just dunno how to bring it up to raymond and my friends man. he is someone whom i will respect.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
- 10:30:00 PM
airport, does that let you recall something?
i still love you. infact, i love you more.
Friday, June 26, 2009
- 10:06:00 PM
today is the pol-ite race man. we didn't win..but it was an good experience. we can see what is the differences from our team and other team. and i can say that RP is really good. but we can be better! after that went home and tmr need reach school by 7am. woah. haha. yeah..i think this part of my life is not being very good to me? the route now is kinda tough? and hard to make a decision. yupp..that's all. anw..my result is 26.5/50 for introca, 39/50 for prnasc, 40/50 for facom and maybe a 70++/100 for my math? coz i was absent? haha. that's all ppl..whatever it is,
life goes on. keep moving.
maybe deep in your eyes, i'm nothing but just someone that spoils your day.
i want you to know.
the reason why i've been giving in to you not is because i'm afriad of you,
but because i love you and respect you.
i have my pride too.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
- 6:40:00 PM
hello! i'm really damn sick and tried! haha. so, dun get near me! haha. and i gonna missed 2 days of lesson! wa!! 2days leh! sure die liao lor..sian man..today went to toa payoh to see doctor..den when i was waiting, i saw this poster. if you have fever >38, cough, flue and sore throat, you might have the risk of contracting H1N1!! wth! i fulfill all the criteria except fever man! wa! damn scare man..hopefully i'm not down with that! oh man! hahaha. got 5 kinds of medicine. whoooo! haha. prepare to sleep for the whole 2 days already man. and friday is the POL-ITE race! i need to get well! come on man! let me be what i am again! LAI! suck it up! and my introca test got 26.5/50! whoooo! at least i passed! i thought i would failed man. hahaha! and i missed my math paper result today..and teacher dun allow ppl take other ppl result..boooo. sian ar! that's all!
Anna, You Are Beautiful In All Ways In My Eyes.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
- 11:16:00 PM
today school starting again..sian..where is my hoilday! study hard!
Saturday, June 20, 2009
- 10:15:00 PM
today give dragonboat a miss..coz i'm kinda sick..yeah..so rest at home for the whole day. did pransc assignment and played red alert. haha. and today is my chinese birthday! haha. so happy birthday to myself! haha! yupp...tmr got race..hope we can win..=] that's all..take care man..
i still hope.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
- 11:16:00 PM
today afternoon....went for a family outing! whoooo! went to toa payoh to catch a movie! hehehe. its
DRAG ME TO HELL! whooooo! horror show for a family outing. lol! quite weird leh. but no choice, father wanna watch it...so....ya..hahahaha! actually i dislike watching horror show lor..everytime get scared one. haha. i can tell you this movie is really very scary. its scary as in it will shock you...but not that scary. got it? lol..i got scared alot of time man. and the sound effect hor...tok kong man.. haha. but the show also quite funny la. got some lame part la. haha. i think for those who wanna go watch it, go ahead man..=] its quite nice la. haha. after movie, go to grandma house and visit her. haha. long time no go back man..and standard la. i get darker. =.- haha! after that around 8.30pm, den went home..watch memoris of the geisha.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
- 6:27:00 PM

today woke up late man. den faster chiong den edward call me and ask me if i'm going out and can catch the coming 89 near his house, i say can. when i came out from the lift, i run all the way to the bus stop man. lucky i'm still early. =] so board and meet him. alight at pasir ris and took 15 to tp. den took farid car to marina bay for our FLIGHT SIMULATOR! whooo! damn cool man. its situated at singapore flyers there. so...we were pilot for that hour.=D and this is how the cockpit of an boeing 737 looks like! damn cool and scary!
(see the buttons and switches!)

first was edward, flying in the day

and lastly it was me and i was flying under thunderstorm. =]
that's US! coool! the ''pilot''!

and of course not forgeting our real pilot, mr farid man! haha. cool!
after that went to eat lunch at popeye? dunno how to spell la. haha. wa..ex sia. my 3 piece chicken cost me $9.80 man. and i still not full! haha. nevermind. somemore we need self go collect our stuff one leh! where the ppl there will deliver the food to the ang moh's table! wth! look down on us ar! eat also eat untill very unhappy man. after that walk to marina square and played arcade? haha. den trained home.
at night went to jalan kayu to eat and celebrate zhengda's birthday and gary going into army man. den walk to fernvale's koufu to drink. haha. i only see them drink. no mood to drink ar..you see.=] den after that alan long bang me home. yeah..that's all for today? quite a fun but tiring day? and of course alot of things going through mind. yeah. i also dunno how to say la. i just really hope that i'll really do well for my studies and be granted for the scholarship? hopefully bah. take care ppl! study hard and play hard!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
- 11:56:00 PM
today went for gym and swimming man. long time since i went gyming and swimming man. poly life is really very busy. and after we went poly, all of us seldom meet up man. saw alot of friends in gym. one if it is weng chew. all i can say is he changed alot.=] and i respect him man. =] that's all man. =] take care ppl.
forget what we're told, before we get too old.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
- 8:18:00 PM
today is really a very bad bad day for me. i think i'm going to fail my introca term test for sure man. i got all my MCQ mixed up. i lost around 16 marks out of 20 marks there man! out of which i can save like 6 marks? it can help me from a fail to a pass! wa! in order for me to catch up with my lost of marks, i need to do well for my quiz, my assignment, project and my main exam. the most i can get for this test may be 23/50? it takes up 15% of my overall score. this means i get like 6.9%/15%? i got to work real hard now man!
Monday, June 1, 2009
- 11:53:00 PM
maybe i am.