Sunday, January 31, 2010
- 9:33:00 PM
and great, i haven do my math assignment and study for my emath and busfund quiz..
- 9:22:00 PM
today morning wake up at 6.30am coz i got my simulator 2.
reach there around 7.50am. instructor came at 8am and we started our training la.
yesterday i was memorising well man..
but when i go there..everything SCREWED up.
wth. i forget here forget there..
but lucky instructor never scold la.
nevermind, shall work and practice my checks harder.
the effects of control was still ok la..
did some trimming practices and usuage of flaps.
ended around 1oam and i went home straight!
training in the morning = whole day gone.. i just hope my sim 2 is okay and hopefully sortie 1 is going to be okay too..
and now! i got to worry for my airline, airport, human factor and world issue project!
jiayou P904!
Friday, January 29, 2010
- 11:04:00 PM
Things to be done:
Airline Project Presentation -> 2nd Feb(Tuesday)
World Issue Presentation-> 3rd Feb(Wednesday)
Human Factor Report-> 5th Feb(Friday)
Airport Project Presentation-> 8th-12 Feb
Quiz coming up:
E Math 2: Monday
BusFund: Tuesday
Thursday, January 28, 2010
- 10:37:00 PM
today sim 2 cancelled, and this mean, sortie 1 cancelled too..
happy and sad la..
and today after school went to dhouby xchange to collect the brownie cake
den pass to the birthday girl!
happy birthday wen ling!
and lunch there with junting. at first looks gay la..
but after a while..okay le..
after that went home..
and now..
i know.
that's all..
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
- 10:51:00 PM is my turn for my com to go crazy.
and the service centre is at JURONG! =.=
i think i am going to miss school on friday and send it for servicing...=.=
and my project is near..with 2 project due next week
world issue and airline...=.=
and another 2 project due in the next next week...
airport and HF maybe? =.=
and i need my computer!
and tmr i got my simulator 2 training at 5.15pm...=.=
and friday i got my first flight at 4.40pm...=.=
soooooo busy!!!
Monday, January 25, 2010
- 9:28:00 PM

omg! haha..disgusting right? this wound happens one year ago! LOL!
and lucky no stitch heal on its own. haha!
anw..just upload for fun..haha!

and this noobie picture was taken when we are in sec 1 ncc camp! haha.
the time where we kena tekan like hell yo! haha. nice la.
all the memories we had yo! haha!
Sunday, January 24, 2010
- 1:47:00 PM
are you refering to me? is not me..
if its a yes, i got no guts to believe..
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
- 11:55:00 PM
today nice date, 20/01/2010..
not a bad day..and clear one more project that's world issue..
but got 2 more projects and that's airline and airport.
yupp..that's all..
i'm feeling empty again.why?
Thursday, January 14, 2010
- 10:43:00 PM
Thursday 14 January 2010
The New Paper
harrow! first thing first.. happy birthday jiaxin!
so morning went to school for just one lesson, EMath 2..booo..
haha. lucky our teacher very]
and today the newpaper got me! swee la! hahaha!
its about our course one day trip to KLIA and LCCT..
169 ppl from our course! cool man..we owned the plane..
and why i'm interviewed?
its because i'm one of the seven that sit on the commmercial aircraft for the first time..
some of my friends are up in the news too..haha!=]
anyway..its a very good trip indeed..=]
alright, shall not say too much, read the article yourself! =D
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
- 11:47:00 PM
heyo! i know my blog's song is abit wrong right now..
its not the time now to play this..
but this song auld lang syne is really nice..
had been searching for this long ago and its finally found..=]
haha. and its played in saxophone..even nicer..haha. enjoy..=]
its a music that make me think back of what i had done for the year.
- 12:41:00 AM
i'm backed from kuala lumpur! =D it was a very fun and educational trip man. get to see alot of things that we learn in school came alive man! haha. and i get to experience it myself in my first flight! whooohoooo! haha. we have to reach there by 4am man! lucky got edward's father fetching..haha. if not taxi fare wa..hahaha..
so we met 4am in Budget Terminal and check in around 4.45am and got our boarding pass..and went in around 5am and stayed inside the airside till around 5.45am..and here is the duty free shop..i bet its all smokers favourite! LOL!
after that went off to board the aircraft man..=] first time! haha.. its a A320 i think? lol. and the whole plane is full of our students except a few other passenger. they must be feeling lucky man. the flight number is TR 452..

so..when everybody was there and its ready, the plane was taxi out and taxi towards the shiok la..its like sitting on bus when on the land la..haha. and the engine sound was so cool man. lol! at the point of the runway, the plane stop and captain call for us that he is going to take off..! haha. and zooooom....the engine started up and its getting louder and louder and....within a min, we are up in the air feeling the gravitation push on our body! haha! so cool la! my first flight! haha! and there are times when you can feel the aircraft had a loss of altitude just drop a bit..the feeling was so so so nice la.hehe..the whole journey took 40min and soon we landed in KL la..and me and the other 6 as the first time flyer, get to take lots of photos inside the aircraft for the reporter from the newpaper siol! here are the first time flyer! haha. benjamin not inside the picture.
and here's benjamin at the back..=]

so shiok la..and we also took with the air steward..2 of which are from our course!
whooo! and right after that, we went off for our breakfast at LCCT. haha. had marrybrown for breakfast and after that went off to KLIA!
haha. and 40 of us are selected to go to the ATC tower of KLIA! wa!! so lucky! haha. seen alot of things there..and learn alot from there too! and of course took lots of picture!
haha. but i can only show this..hahaha
after KLIA, we went off to kuala lumpur to do our shopping! haha. we went to the berjaya times square! its damn big la..the shopping mall is 14 storey high. haha. but nothing to buy also leh..the things there also same as singapore, so no point also ar..haha. and as we were walking, someone asked us to go try fish spa at only 5RM! wa..agreed and we went for fish spa!
its damn itchy la..but after a while its okay liao..haha. and kahbeng played too! he got a damn funny reaction la..! hahaha! as you know..always la..haha! and after that around 5pm, we went off to the city where alot of ministry are located there. its very big and lots of building are build for the governers to stay in. 
so we went here to take a group shot and headed back to KLIA to alight 14 of our classmate to take Jetstar back to singapore and the remainding us to LCCT to take tigers airways back to singapore. haha.had marrybrown again and check in at 9pm and board the aircraft around 10pm and reached singapore around 10.50om..=] it was really a good day..and just by words it cant express out the whole of this trip..=] pictures will be uploaded i think? thats all man..takecare!
Monday, January 4, 2010
- 10:07:00 PM
heyo people! after 18 years of living in the world,
Mr Goh Jun Yang official commercial maiden flight will take place tmr!!
our course will be going to Kuala Lumpur!
and a few of my friends and i were selected to go and visit the ATC in KL!
wa!! so lucky la! haha!
whoooohooooo! and the airline we are taking is tiger airways!
haha. budget ar..but okay la..=D
later i will have to meet edward at 3.20am and have to reach airport by 4am..
booo...means i got to wake up by 2.30am! wa!!
feeling kinda excited ar..but tonight i sure sleep..
coz i now under medication..haha.
hahaha. alright.
i need go sleep liao..
shall update again tmr man! see ya!
Sunday, January 3, 2010
- 3:37:00 PM
harow harow~
today is my father and silin's birthday yo!
happy birthday LAOPA and SILIN! hahaha..
one 50 and one 18..woah...LOL
and yesterday officially went for my first BFC lesson..haha
was kinda hard ar..the radio telephony can kill me straight man..hahaha.anyway..i'm gonna endure all the way! hahaha.
and here is my class! 173 YFC yo! hahahaha!
2 girls and 22 boys! haha. and i look screwed in this picture
Friday, January 1, 2010
- 10:25:00 PM
heyo people!! happy 2010 man! i spend the day out with friends..
suppose to go out with friends but my malaysia friend was in compasspoint too..
so instead i accompany him for a tea man..haha
so after la kopi with him...went home and went off to fly kite again.!
went with anthony, xin deng and benjamin. half way throught flying right..
it rain! and our kite is all the way up in the sky quite a long time to bring it down..
and when its down, it stop in order to dry the kite, we send it up again..haha
we own the sky in seng kang! we are the highest flying kite man! swee la! 600m?
hahahaha! after that meet up with ken and ong to go jalan kayu for dinner..
and we walked all the way from anchorvale there to jalan kayu man..and had dinner and beancurb for dinner and walked all the way back. whooo..what a day yo!
that's all folk!
happy 2010 again!
had my wishes made for this year through our kite to the sky.
hope it will come true.