Thursday, September 30, 2010
- 12:51:00 AM

cool yeah! today i collected my X Mini 2 IMBA SPEAKER! whooooooos! so excited man! muahahaha! i bought it on eBay for $33 only! retail they selling at $50 - $55! hahaha! somemore its genuine and brand new! muahahahahaha! gonna love it so so so so much! and today my blue mini hamburger speaker had arrived! so happy la! so many 'gift' coming in! heheh..although all is a buy one la..but the feeling of having it and receiving it..waseh..super shiok..haha!
Saturday, September 25, 2010
- 12:38:00 AM

whoooohooooooo! got my result! i got a GPA of 3.48 this semester! its quite a great achievement for me man! but i think it can be better coz i did not did up to my expectation..haha! but okay la..CGPA increase by 0.1 to 3.29..not bad..gonna work towards my goal of at least 3.5! jiayou!