Saturday, May 14, 2011
- 12:59:00 AM

All the tough times are finally gone. We are entering into the last day of our Tiger Training. 1 and a half month of intensive training, we did it. I still remember during day 1, I asked myself 'how am I going to make it through the whole of this training?' and well, here I am completing the training! The best is that all the 20 of us made it through! Its been quite a fun and enriching training I would say. I have learnt a lot of stuff that normal people will not get a chance to do it! Some example would be like 'jumping' off an aircraft, don the smokehood, fire fighting, jumping slide raft, first aid and many many more! Hahahaaha. and of course the funny moment we had during the training where Nicholas will also be the one that always kena and Joe will also 'tekan' him! :D Though this is the ending of the training, but it also mean it is the beginning of our flight and what we had learnt in our training! However, all this will not be possible without the effort of the trainers!! Annie, Joe, Marine, Katherine, Shariffah, Ping Pingg, Manne, Ariff and Murali! THANK YOU FOR YOUR PATIENCE AND EFFORT!! :D Lastly, hope everything and everybody will have smooth sailing flight and get distinction for our MP! Batch 36th Tiger! All the way! :)
I'll miss you.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
- 12:52:00 AM
Saw some Mr Men and Little Miss on Google homepage! Find it interesting and so print screened all of them and make it into one PowerPoint, saved it and here it is! So nice man, remind me of my childhood! I use to have some of the story books like Mr. Chatterbox, Mr. Strong, Mr. Tickle! :D
Friday, May 6, 2011
- 11:11:00 PM
Tomorrow is gonna be the last day of SEP training! Time really FLY man. We have already gone through 80% of our training? Left with only First Aid and off we are to fly! Kinda miss training now. Looking back at all the funsssss we had. I will definitely miss it man. But still, I am gonna enjoy every moment of my internship till the end! :)
Batch 36th Cabin Crew!!
Anw, its smokey because we just finished our cabin smoke training! :D Before we go in, we have to wear the smokehood to protect ourselves from the smoke though its harmless la. hahahaha. But my first attempt to go in right, I kinda hyperventilate inside the smokehood, everyone was okay except me!!! :( But, my second attempt was okay! :D
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
- 10:30:00 PM
I doubt I will ever make it to you.